Monday, July 18, 2011

White people are lovely people, who agrees?

White people are nice lovable people to all other races, and never discriminate because they are such good humble people, especially the ones in England ,Spain ,Germany, and southern the U.S., agree?

Girls: when you think of a laid back guy, what comes to mind?

I mean, what does it mean for you when a guy has a laid back, kind of humble style or personality? I just want to know cause I have been told I am like that. Even the way I dress, talk...... I don't know. What does it mean? Oh, and: do girls like this type of guys? Cause even though I have been in a relationship before, I seem to have trouble with that, even when a lot of my female friends think im cute (that's what they say, not me). So just let me know what you think......

I let my first love slip away from me?

it was the end of my highschool career, i had only been going to this new shcool for one year and i had always loved this one girl who was in atleast 4 of my classes. i never built up courage to talk to her and because i was new i had no one that knew her, as the end of the year approached i started feeling sad about never seeing her again so i decided to tell her how i felt at graduation. know that i have never actualy talked to this girl and i was just taking a lucky shot at telling her how i felt after the graduation alone. i told her she was beautiful and that it wouldnt feel right going into the real world with out conquroing something that made me nervous, she was flattered and thanked me and said i was real nice for saying such kind words to some one who could use them. i never expected anything to happen, simply because we barely knew each other and the fact were going to different colleges but i cant help but shake the fact that if i had the courage i had today to talk to her in the beggining of the year i would be with her right now and happy. i look back on it and i regret not doing so early. but all this taught me a GREAT lesson, i will NEVER put off talking to a chick whom i like/love, i feel like there is an empty spot in my heart but it was supose to happen for me to learn this lesson. i try to forget her but i always think about her and it makes me sick. i feel brave that i told her how i felt, and humbled but still hurt that i never got hte chance with her. is it ok to feel this way?

I m I a criminal if I stopped stealing ?

if you've repented, I don't believe so, and god wouldn't see you as one, in the governments eyes however, that's a different story

What rights do I have as a renter if the owner loses the house?

Diddly squat. If there was nothing in the lease about how your landlord was to disburse the funds you were paying him/her, they they could by crack with it, and you have no say. If you are evicted before the terms of your lease are up, maybe you could sue them for denial of your right of quiet possession, since you did nothing to break the lease. Try that.

How can I get GOD to hear me?

Ok, Im tired of praying, and tired of being humble to no avail. I'm constantly in a state of depression. My life is not where I want it to be and its getting worse everyday. I've been a devout christian for all my life and my belief has waned. Should I not believe in GOD? Should I believe in any religion? I don't know, I'm even contemplating suicide...

Why at the end of the music video "Run The World (Girls)" Beyonce steals the badge off the guy but salutes him?

Beyonce steals the badge from the male soldier and places it on her, but then she and all the girls salute the men? I don't get it. Is it supposed to be ironic?( saying that men really run the world)